We started BLAQ Athlete in order to Better educate, enhance, & empower ALL BLAQ Athletes, regardless of expertise, gender, or sport. As A community of Blaq mothers, fathers, professionals, educators, students, & athletes, we understand what it means to be mis-educated, mistreated, & misinterpreted based on the rich complexion of our blaq skin. the qualities that reside in our history, communities, & culture are not reflected in our every day experiences living & raising a family in America. Systematic oppression, racial inequalities, & lack of diversity in leadership is an all time opponent when playing sports in america as a blaq athlete. we are determined to dismantling these barriers while empowering our future generations with tools, access, & resources that go way beyond their athletic abilities.
For more info about what we do & how you can help, contact us at info@blaqathlete.com

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way.”
– Colin Kaepernick
kneel. Speak. Support.

Lift every voice.

Until we are treated equal & not murdered....
until our students are PRIORITIZED & not forgotten....
until our athletes are valued & not farmed....
until brands support our communities & not just sales...
Until there are more blaq coaches & not just incentives....
until there are more blaq athletic directors, gm’s, and owners & nOt barriers...
until all leagues and sports erase racism & not blackball those who peacefully fight against it...

Stay connected to our upcoming programs, calendar, & movement for all Blaq athletes
we ain't about all that yappin' so be assured we'll respect your inbox...trust
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